Tuesday 3 June 2014


First OHS Document

Second OHS Document

Third OHS Document

Fourth OHS Document

Unity Game Level Walkthrough

This is the link to my level uploaded to vimeo https://vimeo.com/97183477

Monday 2 June 2014

Walkthrough Audio

The audio clips that i used in my game level walkthrough consist of ambient noises such as Street noises like dogs barking, birds chirping, cars starting and wind blowing.  Though i have wind in there it is not wind from a city, the wind was taken from an open property that is not in a city so it doesn't sound like the wind is blowing through buildings, it sounds more like going through trees.  I have doors closing though the sounds in there are more metallic they are still closing of doors though more like garage doors than anything.  The ambient noises where taken at night so they consist of crickets chirping as well.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Low Priority Assets

The Low Priority Assets in my City consist of, Garbage Bins, Seats for the sidewalk and the bus shelters and Vending Machines for the sidewalk as well.

My garbage bin is a cylinder that has been inset and extruded down for a hollow interior, and the exterior of the bin has been inset in some places so that it is not a smooth surface.  The texture used for the bin is the same texture used on the lamp post and the wheels on the cars.  These are before and after renderings of texturing the bin.

Although they look very similar the bottom rendering is textured for it has slightly darker shading around the edges.

The seats in my game world use the same texture as the bus shelter, so that it has the same old cheap look to it.  These are the before and after renderings of the seat.

The vending machine that I modeled is just a simple box that has an inset and negative extrude in the lower middle of the front face for the opening where you retrieve the drinks from.  The texture used for the body of the machine is a black plastic texture and the face of the machine is a Coca Cola logo.  These are the before and after renderings of the machine.

Secondary Game Assets

In my game idea my Secondary Assets are bus shelters, trees and lamp posts.

My bus shelters are just four posts with a slanted roof for rain runoff, the texture used is a painted, faded, peeling green steel colour to give it an old cheap look. These are renders of before and after texturing.

The tree I did not model as unity already has prefabricated trees and would be easier to import a tree from unity than having to model a new tree.

The lamp posts used the same steel texture as the wheels from the cars an the texture used for the light is a bright yellow made to look like a faded halogen light bulb. These are the renderings for before and after texturing.

Main Game Assets

These are the Main Assets for my City.  They consist of the buildings, cars and the roads.

This is the model of the building in the scene before and after I have textured it.

This is the second building in my scene before and after the texturing of it.

This is the third building of my city before and after texturing.

These are the three buildings in my world that you will be seeing along the street.  The main textures on the buildings are a sandstone texture on the first building, the second building has a concrete texture and the third has a painted concrete.  On the railings for the roof it has a rusty metal texture also used on the doorknobs.  The windows have a privacy glass texture for the actual pane and the frame is a white painted wood.  The doors have a wooden panel on the door and the same texture as the window frame as the door frame.  On the second building the step-out on the building has a dark cherry wood texture on it, to give it a solid feel on the side of the building.  The stairs on the first building use the same texture as the second building, the down pipe used on the first building uses a unpainted zinc texture and the cover over the stairs on the first building uses a roof shingles texture to give it an old and cheap look.  The rooftop hatch uses the same texture the stairs and the door has the same texture as all other doors and the railing on the stairs has the same rusty metal texture as the rooftop railings and the doorknobs.  The Platforms on the second building use the same painted concrete texture as the third building.

The three cars used in this level are just cars that you will see on the side of the road and wont be able to actually drive.  The three different types are a sedan, a wagon and a Ute(Pickup Truck).  The sedan and the wagon were modeled off the Russian car manufacturer Lada to give it a very boxy feel, the Ute was modeled of the American Nissan Titan.

This is the wagon before and after texturing.

The textures used were, for the windows a dark automotive tint to hide interior to minimalize detail on the car, so that I can keep it simplified. The texture used on the wheels were, on the rims was a steel texture and on the Tyres was a treaded pattern repeated over each face to make it look continuous.  The red on the car is a red automotive paint that has faded a bit to look like it has been out in the sun a lot.

This is the Ute before and after texturing.

The Ute has the same window texture as the wagon and the same Tyre texture. The texture used for the rims is a carbon fiber texture to give it a custom feel.  The paint texture is a purple automotive texture to give it more of a custom feel.

This is the Sedan before and after texturing.

The Sedan has the same texturing on the wheels and the windows as the wagon to give it a manufactures look instead of a custom feel like the Ute.  The paint texture used on the sedan though is a dark red to brown texture with fading and streaks to give it a very boring look so it doesn't stand out to much.

There are three different types of road that I have used.  There is the Large 90 degree corner, the small 90 degree corner and then the straight used for most of the road.  The same textures where used over all of the road models, which is on the road was an asphalt texture, and then on the sidewalk a paved concrete texture was used.

This is the straight before and after texturing.

This is the Small 90 degree corner used before and after texturing.

This is the Large 90 degree corner used before and after texturing.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Game Level Assets

For my game idea the Main Assets that are need are:

  • buildings
  • cars
  • roads
Secondary Assets that are needed are items like:

  • bus shelters
  • trees
  • lamp posts
Low Priority Assets will be small items such as:

  •  garbage bins
  • seats
  • vending machines

Audio Assests

The main audio assets in my level will be ambient noises such as

  • Cars driving
  • Engine noise
  • Engines starting
  • Cars Honking
  • Wind going through buildings
  • Birds chirping
  • Dogs barking
  • House doors closing

Level Textures

The texturing in my level will be to make it look as much like a medium sized Russian town as possible. My main textures will be things like concrete for the buildings, wood for the doors, glass for the windows, dirt for the ground, pavement for the sidewalk and for the road the main texture will be asphalt.
 This texture is the texture that I used for the doors.
 This is the sandstone texture i used for one of the buildings.
 These are the shingles for the roof going over the stairs on one of the buildings.
 This is the cement used for one of the buildings and also for the stairs on one of the buildings .
 This is the dark wood used for the shelter on the exterior of one of the buildings.
 This is the dirt used for the outskirts of the town to give it a more dusty feel.
 This is the glass used for the windows of the buildings.
 This is what the texture that was used for the pavement on the side of the road.
 This is the rusty metal texture used for the doorknob, railings, an mail slots on the buildings.
 This is the asphalt texture used for the roads in the level.
 This is the concrete that is used for the floors just outside of the doors on the buildings.
 This is the painted wood texture used for the door frames and window panes.
This is the zinc metal texture used for the down pipe of one of the buildings.
This is the texture that was used for the bus shelter and the seat to make it look old and cheap.
This is the tyre tread texture used on all of the wheels of the cars.
This is the steel texture used on the lamp post, wheels of the wagon and the sedan and also on the bin.
This is the texture used for the light on the lamp post to give it a faded halogen look.
This is the carbon fiber texture used on the wheels of the Ute to give it a custom look.
 This is the red automotive paint texture used on the wagon.
This is the purple automotive paint texture used on the Ute.
This is the dark red/ brown automotive paint texture used on the sedan for the faded look.
This is the black plastic texture used for the back of the vending machine.
This is the Coca Cola logo used to texture the front of the vending machine.