Tuesday 27 May 2014

Level Textures

The texturing in my level will be to make it look as much like a medium sized Russian town as possible. My main textures will be things like concrete for the buildings, wood for the doors, glass for the windows, dirt for the ground, pavement for the sidewalk and for the road the main texture will be asphalt.
 This texture is the texture that I used for the doors.
 This is the sandstone texture i used for one of the buildings.
 These are the shingles for the roof going over the stairs on one of the buildings.
 This is the cement used for one of the buildings and also for the stairs on one of the buildings .
 This is the dark wood used for the shelter on the exterior of one of the buildings.
 This is the dirt used for the outskirts of the town to give it a more dusty feel.
 This is the glass used for the windows of the buildings.
 This is what the texture that was used for the pavement on the side of the road.
 This is the rusty metal texture used for the doorknob, railings, an mail slots on the buildings.
 This is the asphalt texture used for the roads in the level.
 This is the concrete that is used for the floors just outside of the doors on the buildings.
 This is the painted wood texture used for the door frames and window panes.
This is the zinc metal texture used for the down pipe of one of the buildings.
This is the texture that was used for the bus shelter and the seat to make it look old and cheap.
This is the tyre tread texture used on all of the wheels of the cars.
This is the steel texture used on the lamp post, wheels of the wagon and the sedan and also on the bin.
This is the texture used for the light on the lamp post to give it a faded halogen look.
This is the carbon fiber texture used on the wheels of the Ute to give it a custom look.
 This is the red automotive paint texture used on the wagon.
This is the purple automotive paint texture used on the Ute.
This is the dark red/ brown automotive paint texture used on the sedan for the faded look.
This is the black plastic texture used for the back of the vending machine.
This is the Coca Cola logo used to texture the front of the vending machine.

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