Sunday 1 June 2014

Low Priority Assets

The Low Priority Assets in my City consist of, Garbage Bins, Seats for the sidewalk and the bus shelters and Vending Machines for the sidewalk as well.

My garbage bin is a cylinder that has been inset and extruded down for a hollow interior, and the exterior of the bin has been inset in some places so that it is not a smooth surface.  The texture used for the bin is the same texture used on the lamp post and the wheels on the cars.  These are before and after renderings of texturing the bin.

Although they look very similar the bottom rendering is textured for it has slightly darker shading around the edges.

The seats in my game world use the same texture as the bus shelter, so that it has the same old cheap look to it.  These are the before and after renderings of the seat.

The vending machine that I modeled is just a simple box that has an inset and negative extrude in the lower middle of the front face for the opening where you retrieve the drinks from.  The texture used for the body of the machine is a black plastic texture and the face of the machine is a Coca Cola logo.  These are the before and after renderings of the machine.

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